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Resilience and Quality Despite Climatic Caprices

The 2023 vintage was marked by contrasting weather conditions, oscillating between intense drought, heatwaves, and stormy episodes. Despite these challenges, the resilience of the Burgundy vineyard was once again demonstrated, offering wines of great quality in generous volumes. 

After a mild winter, the late bud break helped avoid damage from spring frosts. The unstable spring then gave way to a scorching summer interspersed with violent storms, bringing much-needed rain but occasionally accompanied by localized hail. Some areas with shallow soils suffered from persistent water deficits, but the majority of the vines, thanks to their deep roots, managed to make the most of even the slightest showers to produce an abundant harvest of remarkable sanitary quality.

The harvest began very early, starting on August 21st for the Crémants, and extended until the end of September for the rest of Burgundy. Generous yields, particularly in Chardonnay, have allowed the replenishment of stocks after the small harvests of previous years. 

The Crémants of Burgundy, thanks to a normal harvest despite climatic challenges, are fresh and aromatic, with a natural acidity and gourmet profiles. The accelerated ripening conditions in September resulted in excellent quality grapes, promising Crémants of great finesse and beautiful aromatic expression.

White Wines 

The white wines of 2023 stand out for their beautiful minerality, aromatic freshness with notes of crisp white fruits, and superb balance on the palate.

Red Wines 

The red wines of 2023 display an intense color, a silky structure supported by fine tannins, and gourmet aromas of ripe red and black fruits, promising a very good aging potential. Despite the weather's whims, the 2023 vintage once again confirms the exceptional adaptability of the Burgundy vineyard, offering wine enthusiasts wines of great finesse and remarkable typicity.

Between Devastating Hail and Generous Harvest

The 2023 vintage in the Chablis vineyard was marked by contrasting weather conditions. After a mild winter, bud break occurred under good conditions, without damage from spring frost. Spring was capricious with rainy episodes in April, strong disease pressure from powdery mildew and downy mildew, and drought conditions established from spring onwards. Summer temperatures allowed for good vine development.

A violent hailstorm on June 28 severely affected certain plots, notably in the villages of Fontenay-près-Chablis, Villy-en-Auxois, and Chapelle-Vaupelteigne. Between 1000 and 1500 hectares of the vineyard were damaged, with some plots devastated up to 90%. However, the area of the Premiers and Grands Crus was relatively spared.

Harvest began around September 10, and despite the challenges, this vintage proved generous. Faced with a significant load of grapes, teams had to carry out extensive green work.

White Wines 

The wines of Chablis 2023 are expressive, with lovely fruity notes, richness in sugar, fully developed phenolic and aromatic maturities, and preserved acidities. The interesting natural potential alcohol levels around 13% meant there was no need for chaptalization for the whites.

A Terroir Adapted to Climatic Extremes

The Côte de Nuits experienced a mild and dry winter, followed by a well-watered spring that allowed for good vine development, promoting early bud break in mid-April. Spring frosts between April 3 and 11 threatened bud development, but little damage was ultimately observed. Spring was mixed, with summer-like temperatures interspersed with stormy episodes bringing uneven rainfall.

Summer saw four heatwaves, favoring excellent vine health. However, localized and stormy rainfall led to uneven ripening. The harvest began in the third week of September. A rigorous selection was necessary to eliminate pink berries, botrytis, and shriveled grapes.

Red Wines 

The red wines of the Côte de Nuits promise to be very colorful, supple, with a beautiful concentration on the palate carried by soft tannins. Expect delicious aromas of well-ripened red and black fruits. The heat of September helped preserve good acidities, ensuring freshness and good kinetic properties.

Exceptional Wines from Contrasting Conditions

The 2023 vintage in Côte de Beaune was marked by contrasting weather conditions, but ultimately resulted in wines of great quality, both white and red. The winter was mild and dry, raising concerns about early bud break. Fortunately, spring rains replenished the soil's water reserves. The irregular and extended flowering period suggested a strong potential for the harvest.

In mid-July, a violent hailstorm affected certain areas, notably Meursault. August was cool and rainy, making the fight against downy mildew difficult. Harvest began with the whites in early-ripening areas, followed by the reds in the second week of September. Rigorous sorting was necessary for the Pinot Noirs, sensitive to the summer heat, to eliminate sunburned or shriveled berries.

White Wines 

The 2023 white wines are hailed as "a very great year". Made from ripe, balanced, and healthy grapes, they stand out for their richness and beautiful opulence, without excess. Aromatic, they evoke lovely ripe white fruits like pear or peach.

Red Wines 

The 2023 red wines are expressive and open quickly, with delicious aromas of fresh red fruits like raspberry, or black fruits like blackberry, and even spicy notes. On the palate, they have a beautiful density and a silky tannic structure.

An Alluring Vintage Despite the Challenges

Like the rest of Burgundy, the Côte Chalonnaise experienced a mild and dry winter, followed by a well-watered spring that allowed good vegetative development of the vines. The flowering took place under excellent conditions at the end of May, raising hopes for a generous harvest.

However, the rains then concentrated in the form of localized storms between June and August, creating disparities in maturity within the plots. The September heatwave accelerated ripening unevenly depending on the exposure and soil type. Some areas with shallow or sandy soils suffered more from the persistent water deficit.

The harvest began in the second half of September, extending until early October depending on the plots and grape varieties. A rigorous selection was necessary to eliminate imperfect berries.

The Wines 

After this rigorous sorting, the red and white wines of the Côte Chalonnaise 2023 are very alluring, with gourmet aromatic profiles of fresh and ripe fruits, a beautiful substance, and promising balance.

Promise of Freshness and Substance

Like the rest of Burgundy, the Mâconnais experienced a mild and dry winter, followed by a well-watered spring that allowed good vegetative growth of the vines. However, spring rains then became scarce, leading to early drought conditions in some areas from May onwards.

Flowering occurred under good conditions at the end of May, raising hopes for a generous harvest. Summer was marked by heatwaves interspersed with violent and localized storms between June and August. These storms provided the necessary water for the vines but also caused some localized hail damage. The September heatwave accelerated ripening unevenly depending on the plots.

The harvest began very early, from the end of August for the Crémants, extending until the end of September.

The Wines 

Despite the heterogeneity of the vintage, the 2023 wines from the Mâconnais, both red and white, are very promising with gourmet aromatic profiles, freshness, and substance.

Supple and Concentrated for an Excellent Vintage

The Beaujolais vineyard experienced a year in 2023 marked by contrasting weather conditions, oscillating between cold periods at the beginning of the year, followed by spring temperatures that fluctuated until March. The vines budded well at the end of April despite a rainfall deficit.

June and July were hot and sunny, with rains at the end of June partially filling the water deficit. August was contrasting, with a cool and rainy first week, followed by a sunny week and then a heatwave exceeding 40°C. This weather required increased vigilance from the winegrowers to combat diseases.

Despite these contrasting conditions, the potential for the harvest looked good. The harvest began on September 4th in the early-ripening areas of Beaujolais for the reds and ended on September 28th. The first wines are colorful, fruity, and very ripe, suggesting an excellent 2023 vintage for Beaujolais wines, with supple, concentrated reds with soft tannins.

The Wines 

The 2023 Beaujolais wines are distinguished by their aromatic richness, with notes of ripe red and black fruits, as well as fine and velvety tannins. The rapid maturation conditions helped preserve good freshness and aromatic complexity.

Beaujolais lovers can look forward to wines that combine indulgence and finesse, with a promising aging potential.

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