Owner and editor :
FRANCOIS MARTENOT SAS, 6, rue du Docteur Barolet, 21200 VIGNOLES, RCS de DIJON 501.570.675, au capital social 9'000'000 euros,
Tél : +33(0) 3 80 24 70 07
Contact : For any request regarding our products or any other information, please contact us via our contact form
Publication Director: Mrs. Anne-Laure HELFRICH.
Hosted by :
OVH SAS, with a capital of €10,069,020,
whose head office is located at Roubaix (59170), 2 rue Kellermann,
incorporated in the Trade and Company Register of Lille Métropole under the number 424 761 419
Phone number : +33 9 72 10 10 07
Website création: Vinium Luxury Webdesign
Vinium SA, 2 rue de la Villée, 21200 Combertault, N° RCS DIJON 438.665.200, au capital social 80 000 euros,
Tél : +33(0) 3 80 26 55 00 -